Timer Service

Version 3.0.3

Last updated: December 1, 2009

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Installation and Configuration
  • Variables
  • Request Syntax
  • LIST
  • HELP
  • Timer Queue Messages
  • Timer Error Code Reference

  • Overview

    The Timer service is an external STAF service that provides the following functions: The purpose of the Timer service is to allow a process on one machine to periodically receive a notification message from the same or another machine. This can be used to have one machine periodically execute a process on another machine, as a "heartbeat" to monitor the activity of a machine, or any other purpose where a periodic timer may be useful.

    Installation and Configuration

    This service requires:

    Note that all machines submitting REGISTER/UNREGISTER requests to the Timer V3.x service and all machines specified in a WATCH/UNWATCH must be running STAF V3.0.0 or later.

    Install the Timer service by downloading the TimerV303.tar/zip file from Get STAF Services and extracting its contents to a local directory (e.g. C:\STAF\services or /usr/local/staf/services). The STAFTimer.jar file is the service jar file needed when registering the Timer service.

    The Timer service is written in Java and since it is an external service, it must be registered with the SERVICE configuration statement in the STAF configuration file. The syntax is:

    SERVICE <Name> LIBRARY JSTAF EXECUTE <Service Jar File Name>
                   [OPTION <Name[=Value]>]... [PARMS <Data Directory>]


    SERVICE Timer LIBRARY JSTAF EXECUTE C:/STAF/services/timer/STAFTimer.jar
    SERVICE Timer LIBRARY JSTAF EXECUTE /usr/local/staf/services/timer/STAFTimer.jar
    SERVICE Timer LIBRARY JSTAF EXECUTE {STAF/Config/STAFRoot}/services/timer/STAFTimer.jar PARMS {STAF/DataDir}/service/timer
    Or, you can dynamically add the Timer service using the SERVICE service's ADD SERVICE request.


    The following variables can be defined in the STAF configuration file or set dynamically using the VAR service and the Timer service will query their values:
    STAF/Service/Timer/MinFrequency: The minimum allowable frequency for a timer
    STAF/Service/Timer/UnregisterOnNoHandle: Unregister the timer if handle does not exist
    STAF/Service/Timer/UnregisterOnNoPath: Unregister the timer if no path to machine
    STAF/Service/Timer/TotalFireAttempts: The number of times to attempt to send a notification before unregistering the timer


    Specifies the minimum allowable frequency, in milliseconds, that can be used with the REGISTER command. An error will be returned from REGISTER if the FREQUENCY parameter is less than the MinFrequency variable. A value of 0 will result in no minimum frequency.
    Example: set var STAF/Service/Timer/MinFrequency=5000
    Default: 1000


    Specifies a binary value that sets the behavior of the timer when the process which registered the timer does not exist. If 1, the timer will be automatically unregistered. If 0, the timer will discard the message and attempt to send a new message at the end of the next period.

    Note: If the specified value is not defined (not 1 or 0), the value will be set to 1.

    Example: set var STAF/Service/Timer/UnregisterOnNoHandle=0
    Default: 1


    Specifies a binary value that sets the behavior of the timer when no path exists to the machine which registered the timer. This will occur if the machine cannot be contacted (machine down, network error) or if STAF is not running on the machine. If 1, the timer will be automatically unregistered (see STAF/Service/Timer/TotalFireAttempts). If 0, the timer will discard the message and attempt to send a new message at the end of the next period.

    Note: If the specified value is not defined (not 1 or 0), the value will be set to 1.

    Example: set var STAF/Service/Timer/UnregisterOnNoPath=0
    Default: 1


    Specifies an integer for the number of times to try to attempt to send a timer message, before unregistering a timer, if the specified machine is not reachable (STAF not running, network error, etc). This variable only has an effect if the timer is configured to unregister on no path to machine, either configured globally or specific to the timer. A log message will be generated with the timer name and attempt number each time the attempt to queue a message fails.

    Note: Valid values are any positive integer, including 0. If an invalid value is specified, the default value will be used.

    Example: set var STAF/Service/Timer/TotalFireAttempts=5
    Default: 3

    Request Syntax

    The Timer service provides the following requests:


    Registers the requesting process to receive a timer notification at a given frequency


    REGISTER   TYPE <Type> FREQUENCY <Milliseconds> [PRIORITY <Level>] [KEY <Key>]
               [BYNAME] [UNREGONNOPATH <1 | 0>] [UNREGONNOHANDLE <1 | 0>]

    TYPE specifies a name used to identify the type of timer.

    FREQUENCY specifies the frequency of the timer in milliseconds.

    PRIORITY specifies the priority level of the notification message to be sent to the registering machine. The default value is 5.

    KEY specifies a key to identify the timer. The default value is an empty string. Any timer registered with a key must be unregistered specifying the key.

    BYNAME specifies to register the timer by process name rather than by the handle of the process. Any timer registered by name must be unregistered by name.

    UNREGONNOPATH may be specified to set timer specific values for the UnregisterOnNoPath variable. If this option is not specified, the timer will use the global values specified via the STAF VAR service.

    UNREGONNOHANDLE may be specified to set timer specific values for the UnregisterOnNoHandle variable. If this option is not specified, the timer will use the global values specified via the STAF VAR service.

    Note: If a timer already exists with the same TYPE, registering machine and process or handle, and key, you will get an Already Exists error code returned.

    The Timer service uses the STAF Queue service for interprocess communication. See "Timer Queue Messages".


    Minimum security level of 3 required to register a timer.

    Return Codes

    All return codes from REGISTER are documented in Appendix A, "API Return Codes", in the STAF User's Guide.


    The result buffer will contain an error message if an error occurred and will be empty otherwise.


    Goal: Register a timer with a name of heartbeat and a frequency of 60 seconds.
    Syntax: REGISTER TYPE heartbeat FREQUENCY 60000
    Goal: Register a timer with a name of heartbeat, a frequency of 60 seconds, and a priority of 2.
    Syntax: REGISTER TYPE heartbeat FREQUENCY 60000 PRIORITY 2
    Goal: Register a timer with a name of timer07, a frequency of 30 seconds, and will override the system variable UnregisterOnNoPath to unregister when the machine which registered the timer cannot be reached.
    Goal: Register a timer with a name of timer01, a frequency of 60 seconds. Register this timer by the process name.
    Syntax: REGISTER TYPE timer01 FREQUENCY 60000 BYNAME
    Goal: Register a timer with a name of heartbeat, a frequency of 2 minutes, and a key of MyHeartbeat.
    Syntax: REGISTER TYPE heartbeat FREQUENCY 120000 KEY MyHeartbeat


    Unregisters a process from receiving timer notifications for a given timer


    UNREGISTER TYPE <Type> [KEY] [BYNAME | <MACHINE <Machine> HANDLE <Handle #> | NAME <Handle Name>>]

    TYPE specifies the type of the timer to terminate. This must be the same as the TYPE option used when the timer was registered.

    KEY specifies a key to identify the timer. This must be the same as the KEY option used when the timer was registered, or do not specify the key if no key was specified when the timer was registered.

    MACHINE specifies the machine which issued the register command if different from the current machine.

    HANDLE specifies the handle number of the process which issued the REGISTER command if different from the current process handle number.

    NAME specifies the handle name of the process which issued the REGISTER command.

    BYNAME specifies to unregister this timer using the handle name rather than the handle number of the process. This is required if the timer was registered using the handle name.

    Note: If the MACHINE parameter is specified, then BYNAME cannot be specified. The timer will be unregistered using either the handle number or the handle name based upon which parameter (HANDLE or NAME) is specified with MACHINE.


    Minimum security level of 3 required for a process to unregister a timer which it previously registered. Minimum security level of 4 required for a process to unregister a timer registered by a process on a different machine.

    Return Codes

    All return codes from UNREGISTER are documented in Appendix A, "API Return Codes", in the STAF User's Guide.


    The result buffer will contain an error message if an error occurred and will be empty otherwise.


    Goal: Unregister a timer which the current process previously registered.
    Syntax: UNREGISTER TYPE heartbeat
    Goal: Unregister a timer registered by a process with a handle of 17 on machine tcp://server1.company.com@6500
    Syntax: UNREGISTER TYPE heartbeat MACHINE tcp://server1.company.com@6500 HANDLE 17
    Goal: Unregister a timer registered by process name for process test on machine tcp://client1.company.com@6500.
    Syntax: UNREGISTER TYPE timer07 MACHINE tcp://client1.company.com@6500 PROCESS test
    Goal: Unregister a timer registered by process name by the process submitting the unregister request.
    Syntax: UNREGISTER TYPE timer07 BYNAME
    Goal: Unregister a timer which the current process previously registered with a key of MyHeartbeat.
    Syntax: UNREGISTER TYPE heartbeat KEY MyHeartbeat


    Notifies the Timer service to begin watching a machine. The Timer service will then register a timer with the machine to be watched, and track whether the machine being watched has sent a notification during the allotted time period (frequency + margin). The timer registered with the machine to be watched will have a type of STAF/Service/<NAME>/Watch, where <NAME> is the registered name of the Timer service and will have a key set to the name of the machine specified to be watched.

    Note: The machine to be watched must have Timer Service V3.0.0 or later running.


    WATCH MACHINE <Machine> FREQUENCY <Milliseconds> [MARGIN <Milliseconds>]

    MACHINE specifies the name of the machine to be watched.

    FREQUENCY specifies the frequency at which the machine should send notifications, in milliseconds.

    MARGIN specifies the allowable margin of error, in milliseconds, in the response time of the machine being watched, before the machine is considered to be not responding.

    Note: If the optional parameter MARGIN is not specified then the allowable margin of error is assumed to be 0.


    Minimum security level of 3 required to register a machine to be watched.

    Return Codes

    All return codes from WATCH are documented in Appendix A, "API Return Codes", in the STAF User's Guide.


    The result buffer will contain an error message if an error occurred and will be empty otherwise.


    Goal: Register the machine 'machine1' to be watched with a frequency of 10 minutes (600000 milliseconds) and a margin of 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds).
    Syntax: WATCH MACHINE machine1 FREQUENCY 600000 MARGIN 10000
    Goal: Register the machine client1.company.com to be watched with a frequency of 2 minutes (120000 milliseconds) and a margin of 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds).
    Syntax: WATCH MACHINE client1.company.com FREQUENCY 120000 MARGIN 10000


    Notifies the Timer service to stop watching a machine.



    MACHINE specifies the name of the machine to stop watching.


    Minimum security level of 4 required for a process to unwatch a machine.

    Return Codes

    All return codes from UNWATCH are documented in Appendix A, "API Return Codes", in the STAF User's Guide.


    The result buffer will contain an error message if an error occurred and will be empty otherwise.


    Goal: Stop watching a machine named 'machine1'.
    Syntax: UNWATCH MACHINE machine1
    Goal: Stop watching a machine named 'client1.company.com'.
    Syntax: UNWATCH MACHINE client1.company.com


    List all registered timers, watches, or the operational settings for the Timer service.



    TIMERS specifies to list the registerd timers.

    LONG provides more detailed information when listing the registered timers.

    WATCHES specifies to list the watches.

    SETTINGS specifies to list the operational settings for the service.


    Minimum security level of 2 is required.

    Return Codes

    All return codes from LIST are documented in Appendix A, "API Return Codes", in the STAF User's Guide.




    Update variable references




    Minimum security level of 3 required to refresh variables.

    Return Codes

    All return codes from REFRESH are documented in Appendix A, "API Return Codes", in the STAF User's Guide.


    The result buffer contains no data on return from a REFRESH command.


    VERSION displays the Timer Service version.




    This request requires at least trust level 1.


    The result is the version number of the Timer service.



    HELP displays the request options and how to use them.




    This request requires at least trust level 1.


    The result buffer contains the Help messages for the request options for the Timer service.


    Timer Queue Messages

    The timers use the STAF QUEUE service to send notifications to the process which submitted the REGISTER command.

    The behavior of the timer if the process is not available is controlled by the variables UnregisterOnNoHandle and UnregisterOnNoPath.

    The message queued to the process will have a queue type of "STAF/Service/Timer" with the content of the message being a <Map> defined as follows:

    Definition for message map for a "STAF/Service/Timer" type queued message
    Description: This map represents a timer message.
    Key Name Type Format / Value
    type <String>
    timerServiceName <String>
    timestamp <String> <YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS>
    key <String>
    1. Key type will containe the type of the timer.
    2. Key timerServiceName will contain the registered name of the Timer service that generated the timer.
    3. Key timestamp will contain the formatted time at which the notification was generated.
    4. Key key will contain the key specified when registering the timer. If no key was specified when the timer was registered, the value will be a empty string.

    Here's an example of a queued message with queue type "STAF/Service/Timer" generated by the Timer service:

      Priority   : 5
      Date-Time  : 20050216-14:46:23
      Machine    : server1.austin.ibm.com
      Handle Name: STAF/Service/Timer
      Handle     : 15
      User       : none://anonymous
      Type       : STAF/Service/Timer
      Message    : {
        timerServiceName: Timer
        type            : HEARTBEAT
        timestamp       : 20050216-14:46:23
        key             :

    Timer Error Code Reference

    There are no additional Timer return codes. The Timer service uses the common STAF return codes.