/*****************************************************************************/ /* Software Testing Automation Framework (STAF) */ /* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2004 */ /* */ /* This software is licensed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL) V1.0. */ /*****************************************************************************/ import com.ibm.staf.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; public class STAFProcess extends Component { // Data members private STAFHandle handle = null; private JFrame frame = null; private String machine = null; private String machine_name = null; private String the_title = null; private String the_message = null; private Font font = null; private FontMetrics fontmetrics = null; private STAFResult color = null; private STAFResult resource = null; private STAFResult monitor = null; private STAFResult semaphore = null; private STAFResult stop = null; public static void main(String[] args) { try { int corner = 0; // 0 is northwest corner // 1 is southwest corner // 2 is southeast corner // 3 is northeast corner if (args.length == 1) { corner = (new Integer(args[0]).intValue()) % 4; } STAFProcess process = new STAFProcess( "An Arbitrary Process", corner); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public STAFProcess(String title, int corner) throws Exception { // Allocate a title and a message string the_title = new String(); the_message = new String(); frame = new JFrame(title); frame.getContentPane().add(this, "Center"); frame.setSize(350, 200); frame.getContentPane().setForeground(Color.black); frame.getContentPane().setBackground(Color.white); Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); switch (corner) { case 0: frame.setLocation(0, 0); break; case 1: frame.setLocation(0, dim.height - frame.getHeight() - 30); break; case 2: frame.setLocation(dim.width - frame.getWidth(), dim.height - frame.getHeight() - 30); break; case 3: frame.setLocation(dim.width - frame.getWidth(), 0); break; } frame.show(); frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { terminate(); } }); // Get font metrics to position message on screen font = new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 20); this.setFont(font); fontmetrics = getFontMetrics(font); // Set machine name machine = new String("local"); String osName = System.getProperties().getProperty("os.name"); if (osName.equals("Windows 2000")) { frame.setState(JFrame.ICONIFIED); frame.setState(JFrame.NORMAL); } else { frame.toFront(); } // Start running!!! run(); } public void run() { try { // Register with STAF handle = new STAFHandle("STAF_Demo"); } catch(STAFException e) { System.out.println("Error registering with STAF RC: " + e.rc); terminate(); } int h = handle.getHandle(); int counter = 0; // Append the handle to the frame's title frame.setTitle("An Arbitrary Process: Handle " + h); // Set request strings for the different services String background_color_var = new String( "RESOLVE STRING {STAFDemo/BackgroundColor}"); String continue_semaphore = new String( "WAIT EVENT STAFDemo/Handle/" + h + "/Continue"); String items_respool = new String("REQUEST POOL STAFDemo RANDOM"); String mesg_queue = new String("GET TYPE STAF/STAFDemo/Stop"); // mesg_log is a partially constructed request, needs "level <level> // message <message>" String mesg_log = new String("LOG HANDLE LOGNAME STAFDemo "); // Now let's get serious writeMessage("Loop " + String.valueOf(counter), "Now, wait on semaphore"); // Used inside loop String previous_color = null; // Loop forever while (true) { // Refresh the frame repaint(); String msgHeader = "Loop " + String.valueOf(counter) + ": "; // Use monitor as a checkpoint monitor = handle.submit2( machine, "MONITOR", "LOG MESSAGE " + STAFUtil.wrapData( msgHeader + "Checking Queue")); // Check queue for stop message stop = handle.submit2(machine, "queue", mesg_queue); if (stop != null && stop.rc == STAFResult.Ok) { // Break from the loop break; } // Use monitor as a checkpoint monitor = handle.submit2( machine, "MONITOR", "LOG MESSAGE " + STAFUtil.wrapData( msgHeader + "Checking Semaphore")); // Block if semaphore is reset, fall through if posted (or // if error!!!) semaphore = handle.submit2(machine, "SEM", continue_semaphore); // Use monitor as a checkpoint monitor = handle.submit2( machine, "MONITOR", "LOG MESSAGE " + STAFUtil.wrapData( msgHeader + "Resolving Color")); // Get the background color, save the old one previous_color = (color == null ? null : new String(color.result)); color = handle.submit2(machine, "VAR", background_color_var); if (color != null && color.rc == STAFResult.Ok) { // If color changed, log an informational message if (previous_color != null && !previous_color.equals(color.result)) { // Use monitor as a checkpoint monitor = handle.submit2( machine, "MONITOR", "LOG MESSAGE " + STAFUtil.wrapData( msgHeader + "Changing Color")); } // Set background according to color frame.getContentPane().setBackground( getColorFromString(color.result)); } else { // Set background to default (white) frame.getContentPane().setBackground(Color.white); } // Every 7th iteration, switch resource in use if (counter % 7 == 0) { // Release it only if we have it if (resource != null) { // Use monitor as a checkpoint monitor = handle.submit2( machine, "MONITOR", "LOG MESSAGE " + STAFUtil.wrapData( msgHeader + "Releasing Resource")); handle.submit2( "{STAFDemo/ResourcePoolMachine}", "RESPOOL", "RELEASE POOL STAFDemo ENTRY " + resource.result); } // Update message writeMessage("Loop " + String.valueOf(counter), "Grabbing a Resource"); // Use monitor as a checkpoint monitor = handle.submit2( machine, "MONITOR", "LOG MESSAGE \"Loop " + String.valueOf(counter)+": Grabbing Resource\""); // Block until resource is available resource = handle.submit2( "{STAFDemo/ResourcePoolMachine}", "RESPOOL", items_respool); } if (resource != null && resource.rc == STAFResult.Ok) { // Set message to be displayed writeMessage("Loop " + String.valueOf(counter), "Using : " + resource.result); } else { // Indicate no resources found writeMessage("Loop " + String.valueOf(counter), "No resources found"); } // Randomly log an error, warning, debug or information message switch (counter % 7) { // Log an error message to the monitor and log file case 1: // Use monitor as a checkpoint monitor = handle.submit2( machine, "MONITOR", "LOG MESSAGE " + STAFUtil.wrapData( msgHeader + "Logging Error")); // Do the logging handle.submit2( machine, "LOG", mesg_log + "LEVEL ERROR MESSAGE " + STAFUtil.wrapData(msgHeader + "Error Message")); break; // Log a warning message to the monitor and log file case 2: // Use monitor as a checkpoint monitor = handle.submit2( machine, "MONITOR", "LOG MESSAGE " + STAFUtil.wrapData( msgHeader + "Logging Warning")); // Do the logging handle.submit2( machine, "LOG", mesg_log + "LEVEL warning MESSAGE " + STAFUtil.wrapData(msgHeader + "Warning Message")); break; // Log an info message to the monitor and log file case 3: // Use monitor as a checkpoint monitor = handle.submit2( machine, "MONITOR", "LOG MESSAGE " + STAFUtil.wrapData( msgHeader + "Logging Info")); // Do the logging handle.submit2( machine, "LOG", mesg_log + "LEVEL info MESSAGE " + STAFUtil.wrapData(msgHeader + "Info Message")); break; // Log a debug message to the monitor and log file case 4: // Use monitor as a checkpoint monitor = handle.submit2( machine, "MONITOR", "LOG MESSAGE " + STAFUtil.wrapData( msgHeader + "Logging Debug")); // Do the logging handle.submit2( machine, "LOG", mesg_log + "LEVEL debug MESSAGE " + STAFUtil.wrapData(msgHeader + "Debug message")); break; default: break; } // Sleep for 1 second before looping again handle.submit2(machine, "DELAY", "DELAY 1000"); counter++; } writeMessage("Loop " + String.valueOf(counter), "Terminating ..."); terminate(); } public void writeMessage(String title, String mesg) { the_title = title; the_message = mesg; repaint(); } public void paint(Graphics g) { // Paint message if (g != null && frame != null && fontmetrics != null) { int x_t = frame.getSize().width / 2 - fontmetrics.stringWidth( the_title) / 2; int x_m = frame.getSize().width / 2 - fontmetrics.stringWidth( the_message) / 2; int y = frame.getSize().height / 2; g.drawString(the_title, x_t, y - 1 * (fontmetrics.getHeight())); g.drawString(the_message, x_m, y); // + 1 * (fontmetrics.getHeight())); } } public void update(Graphics g) { if (g != null) paint(g); } public void sleepProcess(int secs) { try { Thread.sleep(secs * 1000); } catch(InterruptedException e) { /* Do nothing */ } } public Color getColorFromString(String colorName) { colorName = colorName.toLowerCase(); if (colorName.equals("black")) return Color.black; if (colorName.equals("blue")) return Color.blue; if (colorName.equals("cyan")) return Color.cyan; if (colorName.equals("darkgray")) return Color.darkGray; if (colorName.equals("gray")) return Color.gray; if (colorName.equals("green")) return Color.green; if (colorName.equals("lightgray")) return Color.lightGray; if (colorName.equals("magenta")) return Color.magenta; if (colorName.equals("orange")) return Color.orange; if (colorName.equals("pink")) return Color.pink; if (colorName.equals("red")) return Color.red; if (colorName.equals("white")) return Color.white; if (colorName.equals("yellow")) return Color.yellow; return Color.white; } public void terminate() { try { if (handle != null) { // Use monitor as a checkpoint handle.submit2( machine, "MONITOR", "LOG MESSAGE Terminating"); // Releease resource if (resource != null) handle.submit2( "{STAFDemo/ResourcePoolMachine}", "RESPOOL", "RELEASE POOL STAFDemo ENTRY " + resource.result); // Delete semaphore handle.submit2( machine, "SEM", "DELETE EVENT STAFDemo/handle/" + handle.getHandle() + "/Continue"); // Do the logging handle.submit2( machine, "LOG", "LOG HANDLE LOGNAME STAFDemo LEVEL info " + "MESSAGE Terminating"); // Unregister handle.unRegister(); } } catch(STAFException e) { /* Do nothing */ } finally { System.exit(0); } } }