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STAF/STAX Education

STAF V2 customers -- Time to move ahead!

End of service for all STAF V2 releases is planned for April 21, 2006. We encourage you to move to STAF V3 now! As of April 21, 2006, we will no longer fix bugs in STAF V2 and will not release any new versions of STAF V2 (though we will continue to try to answer STAF V2 questions).

Hands-On Automation with STAF and STAX (Version 2.6.2)

This education package is intended to familiarize new users with the STAF and STAX tools, and to provide on-hands experience with the tools.

Each file contains a "staf" and "stax" directory. Each of these directories contains a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (STAFHandson.ppt and STAXHandson.ppt) for the lecture portion of the education. Note that each of the directories also contains an HTML version of the presentations (STAFHandson.htm and STAXHandson.htm). There are also 2 files (STAFAgenda.html and STAXAgenda.html) which describe the agenda for the education, including the schedule for the exercises. The exercises are located in the "staf/exercises" and "stax/exercises" directories.

Platform File File format File size
Windows zip file 36 MB
Unix STAF-STAX-HandsOn-Education-262.tar tar file 43 MB

Online Education

Hands-On Automation with STAF STAFHandson.htm STAF Exercises
Hands-On Automation with STAX STAXHandson.htm STAX Exercises
Practical Approaches to End-to-End Automation with STAF and STAX Practical.htm Practical.ppt

    Last modified: March 23 2006 21:51:40.