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Download Services for STAF V3

The latest releases of services for STAF V3 can be downloaded from this page. If you want to download the latest releases of services for STAF V2, go to the Download Services for STAF V2" page instead. Earlier releases of services can be accessed from the "See All Releases" page.

See the Programmatically retrieving the latest STAF releases page for more information about how to programmatically retrieve the latest STAF releases.

Note: These external services versions require with STAF V3.

  • Cron Service (Version 3.4.0)
  • Email Service (Version 3.3.9)
  • Event Service (Version 3.1.5)
  • EventManager Service (Version 3.4.0)
  • FSExt Service (Version 3.0.2)
  • FTP Service (Version 1.0.3)
  • HTTP Service (Version 3.0.4)
  • NamedCounter Service (Version 3.0.2)
  • Namespace Service (Version 1.0.3)
  • SXE Service (Version 3.0.3)
  • Timer Service (Version 3.0.3)
  • Cron Service Version 3.4.0

    The Cron service allows you to register STAF commands that will be executed at a specified time interval.
    Note: Cron Service V3.4.0 requires STAF V3.3.3 or later.

    FileFile Size
    CronV340.tar 12M 12M
    Cron Service User's Guide (V340)
    Cron Service History

    Email Service Version 3.3.9

    The Email service will send an email message to a list of recipients.
    Note: Email Service V3.3.9 requires STAF V3.0.0 or later.

    FileFile Size
    EmailV339.tar 130K 73K
    Email Service V3 User's Guide (V339)
    Email Service V3 History

    Event Service Version 3.1.5

    The Event service provides an interface to allow process communication based on events occuring.
    Note: Event Service V3.1.5 requires STAF V3.1.0 or later.

    FileFile Size
    EventV315.tar 170K 115K
    Event Service User's Guide (V315)
    Event Service History

    EventManager Service Version 3.4.0

    The EventManager service allows you to register with the Event Service in order to execute STAF Commands.
    Note: EventManager Service V3.4.0 requires STAF V3.1.0 or later.

    FileFile Size
    EventManagerV340.tar 12M 12M
    EventManager Service User's Guide (V340)
    EventManager Service History

    FSExt Service Version 3.0.2

    The FSExt service provides some tools to perform extended file system requests.
    Note: FSExt Service V3.0.2 requires STAF V3.0.0 or later.

    FileFile Size
    FSExtV302.tar 56K 20K
    FSExt Service User's Guide (V302)
    FSExt Service History

    FTP Service Version 1.0.3

    The FTP service provides client side FTP (File Transfer Protocol) functions like downloading or uploading a file in binary mode from a remote FTP server.
    Note: FTP Service V1.0.3 requires STAF V3.0.0 or later.

    FileFile Size
    FTPV103.tar 70K 27K
    FTP Service User's Guide (V103)
    FTP Service History

    HTTP Service Version 3.0.4

    The HTTP service provides the ability to quickly and easily make HTTP requests.

    Note: HTTP Service V3.0.4 requires STAF V3.4.0 or later.

    FileFile Size
    HTTPV304.tar 1.7M 1.6M
    HTTP Service User's Guide (V304)
    HTTP Service History

    NamedCounter Service Version 3.0.2

    The NamedCounter service provides the ability to dynamically manage counters based on a name.
    Note: NamedCounter Service V3.0.2 requires STAF V3.0.0 or later.

    FileFile Size
    NamedCounterV302.tar 32K 12K
    NamedCounter Service User's Guide (V302)
    NamedCounter Service History

    Namespace Service Version 1.0.3

    The Namespace service provides a namespace hierarchy for storing and retrieving a persistent repository of variables.
    Note: Namespace Service V1.0.3 requires STAF V3.0.0 or later.

    FileFile Size
    NamespaceV103.tar 1.1M 1.1M
    Namespace Service User's Guide (V103)
    Namespace Service History

    SXE Service Version 3.0.3

    The STAF eXecution Engine (SXE) service allows the user to sequentially execute any number of STAF commands.
    Note: SXE Service V3.0.3 requires STAF V3.0.0 or later.

    FileFile Size
    SXEV303tar 40K 20K
    SXE Service User's Guide (V303)
    SXE Service History

    Timer Service Version 3.0.3

    The Timer service allows a process on one machine to periodically receive a notification message from the same or another machine.
    Note: Timer Service V3.0.3 requires STAF V3.0.0 or later.

    FileFile Size
    TimerV303.tar 76K 32K
    Timer Service User's Guide (V303)
    Timer Service History

        Last modified: June 26 2015 15:14:17.